Warriors Box Set: Volumes 1 to 6

The Warriors is the story of 4 clans of wild cats that co-exist within a very strict Code. Each clan has one leader, one deputy, one medicine cat or healer that make up their governing bodies. They share land that is strictly and efficiently divided up equally for the four clans. This series follows primarily the cats of ThunderClan, as they fight for the survival of their clan. These cats have so much going on it's insane. There are clan-fights, lovers quarrels, battles over who gets to control the clans, treachery, plots to overthrow the clans, forbidden-loves, wars. These books are marketed for kids and I think that is unfortunate...and also not entirely accurate. There are tons of bloody battles with plenty of tragic deaths and honestly most of the themes dealt with are YA if not entirely adult. The romances, the struggle with organized society, the hierarchy and plot twists are honestly pretty deep throughout.
This is a series for young and old alike. You will never look at your house-cat the same way again. And despite the 24-book main story arc, and the 5 and counting Super Editions, I see a complete re-read in my near future! My first reviews are also in desperate need for revisions :)